You’re getting there. You've started to see that Jerkface isn’t a normal person with a normal heart. It feels like their relationship with you is a game, a lie, a selfish arrangement. You wonder if they’ve lied to you just to keep you trapped in their web. And you may finally have had enough.
Why couples therapy won’t help (AKA – abuse is not a “relationship” problem)
Therapy with Jerkface will most likely be unhelpful, and at worst it could be very hurtful - to you alone. Therapy must be based on trust and goodwill - neither of which a Jerkface is able to bring to the table.
Lies Jerkfaces tell to get you back.
When a Jerkface has lost control of you (e.g., when you leave), s/he is all about getting that control back. That means Jerkfaces will say or do pretty much anything to get you back in their clutches - including pretending to understand your pain, promising never to hurt you again, even volunteering to go to therapy.